
Why is Tyvek White?

Tyvek® reflects light equally in the visible light spectrum, that is why it appears white. It also effectively reflects UV light

Tyvek Effects and Functions

Tyvek Agricultural Applications

Fruit and vegetable covering 
Effectively betters product appearance

• Decreasing scratches caused by the movement of branches
• Decreasing pesticide stains
• Decreasing water stain and marks caused by rain
• Increasing crop brightness and coloring
• Decreasing plant disease
Agricultural Mulching
Effective control of soil temperature and moisture
With Tyvek mulching, the temperature of the soil is 8°C less than ambient temperature, and 4°C lower than aluminized film
Besides the plastic film being warmer than Tyvek, it does not permeate CO2 as effectively as Tyvek

• Crop production increases 140.4% by weight when using Tyvek mulching compared to plastic film
• Soil temperature is 3~7°C lower than plastic film
• Although Tyvek costs 16 times more than plastic film, the 23-27 times increase in revenue gained from Tyvek far outweighs its original cost. Furthermore it is reusable. From experience, Tyvek covers its own cost in 1 farming season.
• More effectively control soil erosion and weed than plastic film
• Even more application during extreme weather, eg. soil temperature and moisture control