
Color Pink: Antistatic material, Black: Conductive material. Normal colors include: black, white, grey, blue, green, yellow, red, orange and purple. (Availability depends on stock)
Minimum size with current stock 100 x 200cm x 1mm
Minimum size with custom color 100 x 200cm x 40mm
Raw material size 100 x 200cm
Thickness 1mm ~ 40mm *May vary by ±10% or specified in product specification
Minimum size if cutting into pieces 10 x 10cm. (Must be knife moulded if less than 10 x 10cm)
*May vary by ±15% or specified in product specification. Knife moulding may vary by ±1mm.
Maximum size if cutting into pieces Maximum allowable size from raw material.
Extra processing Shaping, laminating, cutting to pieces, tooling.
Size representation width x length x thickness