
This Tyvek® protective clothing is designated by the Centers for Disease Control as the supplies forepidemic prevention. It is manufactured according to strict quality standards.
Its innovative technology in materials, clothing and manufacturing processes has created distinctive protection performance, which not only gives users maximum protection, but also meets the safety requirements of users in different positions.
It can protect people from harmful substances, and can also protect productsfrom contamination by people during production processes.
Our Tyvek® protective clothing is designed to protect the safety of the users. It is the most reliable personal protective product for its excellent quality, comprehensive protection,durability and comfort in use.
Performance profile for TYVEK® and garment model (see whole suit test performance).

Scope of application

The areas of applications include the operation in pharmaceutical processing, pesticide spraying, 
chemical processing, automatic painting, food hygiene, mechanical maintenance,
oil and gas industry etc.

Protective clothing treatment method


1.Tyvek®protective clothing is flammable, so its material is not applicable to the fire, and to approach the fire source or contact the extremely frozen liquid shall also be avoided.
2. If the protective clothing is damaged, do not wear it any more.
3.After use, the protective clothing can be disposed of by incineration or landfill   without polluting the environment.

Product specifications

Main composition: :HDPE Fiber
Manufacturer: DuPont, USA
Ingredient origin: USA
Shelf life: 5 years
Date of manufacture: marked on the packaging